Most vehicles run well without much extra help. However, there are fuel additives available that can help increase performance in your vehicle. These fall under several categories which we will look at today.
Over time, you may notice that your vehicle doesn’t accelerate rapidly any longer and the engine doesn’t sound as smooth. Once you’ve ruled out other possible issues, you can try adding a fuel injector additive or engine cleaning solution, which will help eliminate the grime that can form inside your engine. The cleaner the engine, the better the fuel will work.
This additive is easy to use and may be poured into the fuel tank. It will be sent through the engine as you drive, doing the job and cleaning everything out without issue. Be sure to read the instructions to determine which vehicles are best and to see how you should add it. Usually, you’ll want to use fuel injector cleaners just before an oil change.
This kind of additive should be poured into a full tank so it is properly diluted. It usually increases the cetane or the octane rating of your existing fuel, whether diesel or petrol) and can help give your car more power. You will notice that your performance gets better.
Performance boosting additives are frequently used to race vehicles or for someone who would like to get better use from their vehicle.
Some vehicles were designed to function best with leaded fuel. Classic or vintage cars may still run best with this option and you’ll need to use a lead replacement. This helps protect the valve seats in the engine and will maintain the engine lubrication. It’s important to measure carefully, according to the instructions, as you can do damage to the engine if you don’t calculate the correct amount.
Need to clean up your diesel engine? You may wish to use an additive to help flush out the particulates that remain after combustion in a diesel engine. You can end up failing the MOT if you don’t keep this under control, so you’ll want to look after your particulate filter. Adding the diesel particulate cleaner to the fuel allows the soot to be broken down and the filter will be cleared out.
It's important to take care of your vehicle and that may mean using fuel additives from time to time. There are many on the market, so contact
Northern Oil to learn which is best suited to your needs.